it's just a bad day, not a bad life.

It's just a bad day. Not a bad life.

Hey reader, just wanna tell a bit reminder. If you're having a really worst day, please remember that your life isn't that bad one. Cause it's only called "a bad day" not a bad life. You have your own long journey. Just make it move, do anything that could make your worst things better.

Dihari itu, rupanya aku harus segera menuju Jatinangor untuk menyelesaikan beberapa urusan dikampus. Baru kali ini rasanya harus melewati berbagai rintangan untuk sampai menuju Jatinangor. Untungnya sudah ku ikhlaskan. Yasudahlah.

I'm sorry reader, I cannot tell you the full of my story. Lagipula, ini juga tidak penting hahaha. Mungkin karena aku saja yang berlebihan.

February 6th 2018.
