Directioner ?

I'm a huge fan of 1D since I was in 7th grade. Jadi pertama kali gue tau Zayn Malik dulu, baru tau 1D. Dari awal tau Zayn udah ngefan banget because you know la he's too hot, and yeah mulailah gue ngefan sama 1D. Entah mengapa tiba-tiba iseng ngepost tentang ini hahaha. Mungkin karena kemarin siang I watched a bunch of 1D's old video songs which is super viral pada zamannya mereka masih bersama. Yup. It hurts me so much. Keesokan hari setelah On The Road Again Tour gue nonton bersama 3 teman SMA, I just woke up about 8 am in the morning then checked all my social media accounts which everyone said that zayn left the band. 

The point is, if you're having a bad day just remember how worst Indonesian Directioners feels the day after that.

Here's my favorite jam all the time, and selalu terbawa nuansa kalo mereka "masih bareng" :
1. Clouds (selalu kebayang pas musiknya mulai mereka naik keatas panggung opening OTRA)
2. Ready To Run
3. Stockholm Syndrome
4. Girl Almighty
5. One Thing
6. More Than This
7. They Don't Know About Us
8. Rock Me
9. Semua lagu di album 1-4 , karena album 5 already without Z.
