I am what I am

Dear, reader
I am what I am. I’m not very beautiful. I’m not very smart. I’m not attractive. I’m just being me.

                                          Sometimes, I wonder if my friends or people keep saying that “ You’re so pretty!, What a smart girl!, You looks beautiful,far! “ etc. Because my minds keep thinking that I’m not all of them that they just talked about.

I am what I am. I’m not very beautiful.
Sometimes I wish I could be as beautiful as the other girls that I wish for. I knew it seems like ungrateful thing. I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only girl who has a very big insecurity about beautifulness.

I am what I am. I’m not very smart.
Sometimes I wish I could be as super smart as the other students who could get a bunch of scholarship, students program, etc. I always keep saying Alhamdulillah and thank to Allah because I already got a chance to enter to one of the best university in Indonesia. But I’m just a little piece of the other genius students who is struggling hard to be one of the best that little piece.

I am what I am. I’m not attractive.
Sometimes I hate every parts of my body. I’m not tall. I’m not skinny. I used to be white, but not for now. I used to be skinny, but not for now. I’m not that attractive cause I’m not very beautiful, I’m not that genius, because I’m just being me.

                                           I’m just being me who loves to being alone. I’m just being me who enjoy being “ugly”. I’m just being me who loves to keeping secrets and all the thoughts around my head because I feel like sometimes I have no one that I can talk to seriously. I’m just being me who has a very big dream and still chasing that dream with up and down situation. I am what I am. Sometimes I hate being me. But I do love my own self.

Dear, reader

Please just be who you are. Love being yourself. That’s a simple rule of being who you are.

January 29th 2018
